Handling Tough Times in Family
2010 Fall
“A family that cannot play together cannot stay together.”
One of the main reasons for the above is the type of communication, or lack thereof, within the family. The quality of communication always reflects the level of self-esteem that each individual brings to the family. It is about spontaneity, creativity, self-disclosure, and risk-taking. When we are not congruent in our communication, then problems of self-esteem, anger and self control and problems concerning unfinished business from childhood become obstacles in building the positive communication in family life.
The workshop is designed for families who are seeking to improve everyday communication among family members. The goal of the workshop is to teach communication techniques to improve the relationships in the family and to nurture in family members the capacity to engage in mindful communication with each other.
We will focus on family connections which start with enhanced self-esteem and how to help individuals to connect to their strengths and internal resources. We will also explore the five types of marriage and show how stable marriages have matched interaction styles and unstable marriages have mismatched interaction styles.
Participants will learn:
• How the quality of communication affects family relations.
• The impact of spoken and unspoken family rules on communication patterns through generations.
• How to handle difficult issues.
Nazila Isgandarova is a Doctor of Ministry candidate in Pastoral Counseling and Family Therapy at Wilfrid Laurier University. She is a Spiritual and Religious Care Coordinator at Cummer Lodge Long Term Care Home (Toronto) and Chaplain at the Wenleigh Long Term Care Home in Mississauga. She is currently an instructor with the Continuing Education Department of Emmanuel College at University of Toronto. Nazila is an internationally-published researcher focusing on Islamic spiritual and religious care in a healthcare setting, pastoral counseling in a multi-faith context, and Muslim identity in the West.
The workshop is open to students and adults, 15 years of age and above. It is highly recommended for community leaders, social workers, Imams, parents, student leaders and those who wish to improve communication skills in the family setting.
$15.00 for adults - register and pay online or pay in-person
$5.00 for students (register online, but pay in person)
Refreshments will be served.
Due to the interactive nature of the workshop, please register early to avoid disappointment.

Islamic Institute of Toronto (IIT)
1630 Neilson Road
Scarborough, ON
M1X 1S3
Phone: 416-335-9173
Fax: 416-335-9208
E-mail: iit@islam.ca
Scarborough, ON
M1X 1S3
Phone: 416-335-9173
Fax: 416-335-9208
E-mail: iit@islam.ca
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