POI Loader for Mac software
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- POI Loader for Mac allows you to load custom points of interest into your GPS unit such as Mosques / Masjids. The input files can be downloaded from the internet or you can create your own.
- With POI Loader for Mac, you can configure the unit to alert you when you are within a certain distance of a point (such as a Mosques / Masjids) or if you are driving over a certain speed near a point; perfect to warn you about upcoming schools zones. The unit will also allow you to search for and navigate to the loaded points of interest.
Intel-based or PowerPC G3 or later Mac
OS 10.4 or later
256 MB RAM
USB port
To view all the postings related to GPS POI files and GPS Nav Systems to update your driving directions and maps with the mosques / masjids throughout Toronto, the GTA (and Ontario), please click here.
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