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Monday, July 13, 2009

Toronto: Caliphs & Kings: The Fall and Rise of Muslim Ummah - Ryerson University course

Program Details | What you will Learn | About the Speaker | Venue | Enroll Online | Comments


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Program Details


Oakham House

Timings: Fri, July 24: 7 PM to 10 PM

Ryerson University,
Sat, July 25: 10 AM to 7 PM

63 Gould Street,
Sun, July 26: 10 AM to 7 PM

Toronto, Ontario
Mon, July 27: 7 PM to 10 PM

M5B 1E9 Course Fee: CAD$ 50.00

(Map it) Students CAD$ 30.00 (with a valid student Id)

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What you will learn

The event is geared towards students of knowledge who are willing to take an activist's approach to the acquisition of knowledge: learning from the past and looking for ways to implement those lessons for the future.

From Caliphs to Kings: The Fall and Rise of Islam is a four-day intensive course that will cover the history of Islam from the perspective of political, social and juridical thought development. The course will provide an overview of the fourteen-hundred year of Islamic history, focusing on reasons for decline and the lessons that we must learn from the attempts at revival of the Ummah. Specifically, the course will cover the following key subject areas:

  1. Era of Prophethood: Establishment of the Madani State
  2. Caliphate of the Rightly Guided: Expansion of the Empire and the Seeds of Discord
  3. After the Rightly Guided Caliphate: Withering of Shura and Rise of the Scholars
  4. Rule of the Scholars: Development of Fiqh to the Closing of the Gates of Ijtihad
  5. Revival and Revivalism: Ihyaa, Tajdid and Islaah
  6. 18th Century Reform Movements: Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Shah Wali Allah and Utham dan Fodio
  7. 19th Century Struggles and Reform: Sayyid Ahmad, Al-Sanusi and Muhammad Al-Mahdi
  8. East-West Rendezvous: Dealing with Decline, Backwardness and the Colonial Onslaught
  9. 20th Century Islamic Movements: Mawdudi, al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb
  10. Islam Today: Charting the Way in the 21st Century

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About the Speaker

azzam-tamimiDr. Azzam Tamimi, a British Palestinian academic and political activist, is the Director of Institute of Islamic Political Thought in London, U.K. Born in Hebron, Palestine and raised in Kuwait, Dr. Tamimi is an expert on Islamic history and the revivalist movements through-out the history. He has authored a number of books on Islamic revival and thought, including "Rachid Ghannouchi: Democrat within Islamism."

Dr. Tamimi regularly publishes opinion pieces in the U.K. newspaper, the Guardian, with keen insights into the Middle Eastern related events. He is an executive member of the Muslim Association of Britain, a senior lecturer at Markfield Institute of Higher Education and an active member of the Stop the War Coalition

Check out the following lecture by Dr. Azzam Tamimi on the topic of "Challenges Facing Muslim Minorities"

Part 1:

Part 2:

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The title of your first program "From Caliphs to Kings" is excellent and timely. It will clarify some important concepts that are generally neglected. Hopefully, Muslims will attend and benefit.

Ayub A. Hamid - Mississauga Ontario

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